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Project Goals & Objectives

Project LEE Goals

  • Improve the literacy outcomes for English Learners with or at-risk for being identified with a disability.
  • Create a repeatable and sustainable model of culturally and linguistically responsive instruction that can be overlaid across all tiers of instructional support within a multi-tiered system of supports.

Project LEE Objectives

Reading a Book on the Couch
  • Provide initial and ongoing professional development in appropriate use of screening and progress monitoring measures across English and Spanish
  • Provide initial and ongoing professional development in evidence-based Tier 1- 3 instruction in English and Spanish
  • Provide information and training to parents to facilitate active involvement in students’ reading and language development in English and Spanish
  • Use screening and progress monitoring measures to identify students in need of Tier 2 instruction and use progress monitoring to identify Tier 2 students making adequate progress
  • Train school personnel on Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions
  • Document student growth of students’ reading and language skills during the three-tiers of instruction