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Read Aloud Strategies
(1st Grade Spanish)

Maestra Centeno read aloud 1st grade story Quique da una fiesta using choral, cloze, and echo reading while asking comprehension questions using choral responses

Look for:
– Explicitly states objectives: Retell using sequencing words
-Active Engagement:
    – Choral reading
    – 1st reading: cloze reading
    – 2nd reading: echo reading with comprehension questions
– Language supports (fast mapping vocabulary)
-Visuals (mapa del cuento – story map)


Retell with Graphic Organizer and Precision Partnering
(1st Grade Spanish)

Maestra Centeno reviewed character (personaje principal), setting (ambiente), and sequencing the story and taught students to precision partner to practice retelling the story

Maestra Lauer taught small group to sequence events and retell story using precision partnering.

Look for:

– Explicit statement of objective (2:08)
– Active engagement:
    – Choral responses for comprehension questions (:30, 1:00, 1:20)
    – Teaching precision partnering (2:15-7:03)
    – Precision partnering to retell (7:00-8:57)
– Monitoring responses (6:20)
– Error correction – my turn, your turn (5:20)
– Echo reading (3:08)
– Preteaching critical vocabulary: fast mapping ambiente (setting) (:15)
– Using visuals and graphic organizers: used story map to help students understand story structure (:45-1:45)
– Systematic and explicit instruction: Reviewing character, setting, and sequencing what happened first, next, finally in the story (0-1:49)
– Strategic use of native language: teaching lesson in Spanish in a bilingual literacy program


Small Group with Retell Sequencing
(1st Grade Spanish)

Maestra Lauer modeled retelling the story in 1st grade small groups using sequencing words (primero, mas tarde, finalmente) to retell story. Pre-completed graphic organizers were used to support student participation and comprehension.

Look for:

– Preteaching vocabulary: modeling and guided practice sequencing words
– Language use and modeling: Partner responses
– Using visuals and graphic organizers: used sequencing graphic organizer the students had pre-filled out to retell story
– Systematic and Explicit Instruction: teacher modeled retell before asking students to retell in partnerships
– Strategic use of native language: instruction in Spanish, several students native language, to support comprehension.


Vocabulary Practice
(4th Grade English)

Vocabulary Review and Practice (Ms. Gitt’s Class)

Ms. Gitt reviewed previously taught vocabulary words (discouraged, stubborn, permission) and has students practice categorizing the words, stating an opinion, and providing a rationale using focus unit vocabulary.

Look for:

– Language supports
– Sentence frames (posted on tablets)
– Teacher models
– Students practice
– Multiple opportunities to practice
– Target vocabulary
– Language
– Oral/listening
– In writing
– Monitoring with feedback:
    – Teacher drops and listens
    – Offers positive and corrective feedback
– Higher order thinking skills supported


Paragraph Shrinking
(4th Grade English)

Ms. Haner teaches paragraph shrinking to 4th grade whole class mixed skill groups as a way to summarize the main idea of text. She demonstrated cloze reading and using highlighters to track text during student reading of the text. When teaching the strategy, she explained, referenced a visual, and modeled.

Look for:

– Explicit statement of objectives (0-:37, 2:10)
– Active engagement:
    – Choral response (:28)
    – Cloze reading (1:30) with highlighters (4:15)
    – Echo reading (5:30)
    – Precision partnering (7:00) with agree/disagree
    – Whisper reading with monitoring (8:20)
– Preteaching critical vocabulary:
    – Fast mapping words and phrases (2:50-3:10, 6:00)
– Language use and modeling
– Using visuals and graphic organizer:
    – Circling who/what, underlining important details (2:00-2:15)
– Systematic and explicit instruction:
    – Modeling numbering paragraphs (:45-1:20)
    – Modeling paragraph shrinking using think aloud (2:00-4:12)
    – Guided practice (5:30)
    – Ya’ll do (together with teacher) (9:15)
    – You do (11:40) – writing together with monitoring and feedback from the teacher (12:00)


Language Focused Repeated Reading
(4th Grade English)

Ms. Swindle teaching a fourth grade small group the language focused repeated reading routine.

It includes:
1. Pre-teaching vocabulary
2. Making a predication
3. Cold read (unpracticed timed read)
4. Read & highlight unknown words
5. Practice (with echo reading)
6. Hot read (with expression)

Look for:

– Explicit statement of objectives
– Active engagement:
    – Choral response (while practicing vocabulary)
    – Whisper reading (3:00-3:45)
– Preteaching critical vocabulary (quick pre-teach of vocabulary – :20-1:40)
– Modeled word (had students repeat)
– Student friendly explanation
– Highlight words you don’t know or don’t know what it means (4:50)
– Fast mapping vocabulary (6:10-6:55)
– Language use and modeling:
    – Using sentence frame to make a prediction “I predict that we will read about…” (1:45-3:00)
    – Echo reading to model fluent prosodic reading (5:58-)
– Using visuals and graphic organizer:
    – Post it notes used for sentence frames
    – Total physical response used to define some words (1:00, 6:10)
    – Visuals used to show meanings for words (6:30)
– Systematic and explicit instruction:
    – Models fluent reading, whisper reading


Using Sentence Frames in Math
(3rd Grade English)

Ms. Lansing teaches a whole group math lesson with the language target of explaining your thinking.

Look for:

– Explicit statement of language and content objectives: 0-2:00
– Active engagement:
    – Choral response (1:00-2:00, 2:55)
    – Choral reading (3:20)
    – Echo reading (1:00-2:00)
    – Precision partnering (5:00-7:00)
– Preteaching critical vocabulary
– Language use and modeling:
    – Offering sentence frames different levels of language sophistication (:40-2:00)

Math lesson on CUBES
(3rd Grade Spanish)

Sr. Jaimes teaches a 3rd grade whole group Spanish lesson on applying the CUBES strategy to solving math story problems with two steps. He explicitly states both the language and content objectives and uses many active engagement strategies to ensure all students participate.

Look for:

– Explicit statement of objectives (0-:55)
– Active engagement:
    – Choral response (0-:55)
    – Echo reading (0-:55)
    – Choral reading (1:10)
– Preteaching critical vocabulary:
    – Clarifies understanding of vocabulary in problem (1:40)
– Language use and modeling:
    – Echo reading to model prosody and pronunciation of objectives (0-:55)
– Using visuals and graphic organizer
– Systematic and explicit instruction:
    – I’ll do first problem, then you’ll do the next problem
    – Guided practice through CUBES strategy for solving math problem (2:30-3:24)
– Strategic use of native language:
    – Taught in students’ native language (Spanish) in bilingual program


Comprehension: Summarizing
(4th Grade English)

Ms. Gitt taught a lesson on summarizing the sequence of events to whole group fourth graders with mixed skill levels. She begins with reviewing background knowledge (prior reading).

Look for:

– Explicit statement of objectives
– Active engagement:
    – Choral response (0-1:20)
    – Cloze reading (1:30)
    – Multiple opportunities to practice
    – Partner responses
    – Monitoring with feedback (teacher drops and listens, moves through classroom 3:20)
– Priming background knowledge:
    – Choral review of prior reading (0-1:20)
– Language use and modeling (teacher models students practice)
– Using visuals and graphic organizer (comprehension skill & summary posted 4:15)
– Higher order thinking:
    – “I can conclude that…” (4:30-5:10)


Compare and Contrast
(5th Grade English Co-teaching)

Ms. Khatib and Mr. Brandt co-teach a lesson on compare and contrast using language supports for multilingual learners

Look for:
– Co-teaching of English Language Development Specialist with 5th Grade Teacher
– Active engagement strategies
– Language supports (teacher models, students practice)
– Sentence frames posted
– Structured opportunities for language
– Monitoring with Feedback
– Strategies for engaging multilingual learners
– Effective co-teaching methods

Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan